Saturday, June 25, 2011 parasol, my elephant, & my gold bowtie

Must get my affairs in order before I traipse about the Mad Tea Party...
Lobster Lock Earrings? Check.

Retrieve my bracelets from tree? *jump* *higher!* Check.

My own tea things stashed under my hat? Check.

Another bracelet?? Check.

Ok. Even more bracelets? Check.

And couple dozen flowers for my hair? Check.

Oh! Oops! Musn't forget my elephant loves earrings too...

...wonders that make it okay, not being able to fly

Playing dress-up

Flowers left alone that are gorgeous close-up

A sleeping puppy (with its tongue sticking out)

Surviving this crash

Treasures in school parking lots

Stumbling upon a historical cobble-stone street

Adults who refuse to grow up

The romance of crashing waves, flaming sky, setting sun, everything happening all-at-once

Friday, June 24, 2011

...A Mad Tea Party! Come say hi

Mad hat, tea things... all accounted for.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

...a mysterious owl flying by

My heart's racing so much it's insane. I'm captivated. More magic.

..rhyming words waving bye-bye?

All of my post titles, so far, have been deliberately connected to the blog title. I'm considering not doing it quite so often anymore. Hmm...

I've missed my baby blog. I was busy mostly making poor choices that muffled my creativity. Therefore, I was unable to nurture my past premature creative endeavors. But I'm back.

This week has seen nothing but rain.
Perfect! :)

"Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain"

I am completely in love with the rain. It overflows with romance, peace, excitement, inspiration, movement, love...
I am my 'mostest' in the presence of rain. Even as a kid the rain had me writing these cute, silly poems. Here's one from when I was 10. :)


It’s raining; raindrops begin to fall.

The cold wind comes to chill us all

As the birds go hiding in the trees,

The raindrops begin to fall on me.

I’m singing, I think I like the rain to stay.

The heat is gone, I’m cold and gay.

I think now I should get much wetter,

For this will make me feel loads better.

God is in the rain.